So I recently downloaded Spotify and I've been sifting my way through loads of new bands. So I thought I'd tell you about my recent favourites and you might just find your favourite new band!:)
1. Peace
I am utterly obsessed with this band. I first found them on Radio 1 and downloaded their 'Delicious EP'. They have such a cool indie-surfy-ish vibe and ugh they just make me melt into the floor when I listen to them. (also, I am super excited because I preordered their deluxe album and it's signed!!! It's coming in March, and I don't think I can even wait that long!)
Fidlar are an American band. They have a grunge-surfy kind of sound. Their album is super amazing and makes me feel very summery even though it's freezing (typical England.)
3.Swim Deep
I.love.them. I'm also quite annoyed because they were playing gigs in London recently and I was too late to buy tickets...but they've been getting quite big now and their songs are so relaxing! British music is getting pretty amazing recently and I'm rather proud!:)
So I hope that that has given you some musical inspiration!
Also, KickThePJ has recently uploaded a new 'Draw My Life' video, and has made a competition where you can win his sketchbook if you reply to his video with your own draw my life video. I really want to enter but I'm super scared and I don't know...(my sister's trying to make me do it though, and I think that I'm eventually going to give it. I just need to suck up some courage aaaaah)
Jaimee xx
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