Friday 22 February 2013

2013 Music Picks

So I recently downloaded Spotify and I've been sifting my way through loads of new bands. So I thought I'd tell you about my recent favourites and you might just find your favourite new band!:)

1. Peace
I am utterly obsessed with this band. I first found them on Radio 1 and downloaded their 'Delicious EP'. They have such a cool indie-surfy-ish vibe and ugh they just make me melt into the floor when I listen to them. (also, I am super excited because I preordered their deluxe album and it's signed!!! It's coming in March, and I don't think I can even wait that long!)

Fidlar are an American band. They have a grunge-surfy kind of sound. Their album is super amazing and makes me feel very summery even though it's freezing (typical England.)

3.Swim Deep I'm also quite annoyed because they were playing gigs in London recently and I was too late to buy tickets...but they've been getting quite big now and their songs are so relaxing! British music is getting pretty amazing recently and I'm rather proud!:)

So I hope that that has given you some musical inspiration!

Also, KickThePJ has recently uploaded a new 'Draw My Life' video, and has made a competition where you can win his sketchbook if you reply to his video with your own draw my life video. I really want to enter but I'm super scared and I don't know...(my sister's trying to make me do it though, and I think that I'm eventually going to give it. I just need to suck up some courage aaaaah)
Jaimee xx

Monday 11 February 2013

Vintage Shopping in Camden

So on Friday, my mum, sister and I went to London to watch the X Factor tour (which was amazing by the way!)
And we wanted to go somewhere cool in the Saturday-and I said that I wanted to go to Camden.
I've always wanted to go, but we've never gotten round to it! So we got on the tube and went to Camden, and the first thing we saw was a massive market which we didn't spend much time in because the stuff wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to find some cool vintage shops where I could buy something amazing.
At first we went to a vintage shop called Rokit which was really cool but I couldn't find what I wanted to find. The clothes weren't as colourful as I wanted-I wanted something bright and with an interesting print.
So we left Rokit (my sister bought a jumper) and we headed up the road which seemed to go on forever!!!
But the lady in Rokit recommended that we go to another vintage shop further up called Episode. We went inside and it was literally the most gorgeous place ever! {and it was playing the arctic monkeys so that was a huge bonus:D}
It was so bright!!! My sister found a yellow jumper with a cornucopia on it and I nearly died;)
In Episode, they re-vamp old clothes and make them into really cool pieces. There were loads of extremely cool pleated mini skirts in weird prints and I fell in love with them. We were looking through and I decided to buy a bright green one adorned with prints of fish and starfish which was utterly amazing!!!
I also wanted a sweatshirt because I haven't actually got one! And I found the funniest one ever! It says 'DEER HUNTER' on it and has a really funny slogan on it. It was so strange but charming-and now it's my baby:)
Then we went to Camden Lock and the shops were super cool (especially one vintage shop in which I found the coolest pink dress printed with gold crosses!!!) but we had to leave early because we had to get back home.
Overall I had a brilliant time and I can't wait to go back in April to buy more strange things.

Love, Jaimee xx

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Things to buy-January!!!

Hello again!

I just got my late present from my grandparents, £50 to spend on whatever I want...and I've got a few ideas.

I've had a recent Dan and Phil obsession, and I reeeaaally want a t-shirt because they're super amazing!
And I have a dilemma because I don't know whether I should buy the Dan one or the Dan and Phil one OMG THE HORROR OF CHOOSING!!!
Phil & Dan (Light Blue)Explosion (Purple)


And I've been super-obsessed with this band called Splashh-they're super duper amazing amazing amazing and I love their music-It's so surfy!!!

so yeah, I'm currently browsing the Topshop website trying to find something slightly affordable hahaha:D
but I figured that these were the MUST-HAVES!!!and I realised that I should have more t-shirts and merch of bands and people that I actually like rather than 1 billion of Harry Styles and I don't even like him anymore (which is strangely tragic).
And today I watched the new series on E4 My Big Fat Diary. It was so good and it was actually hilarious. I'm really looking forward to watching more of it:)

So yeah...speak to you soon
Jaimee xx

Friday 21 September 2012

Reflecting...on my visit to MoMa in February

In February, my mum, my sister and I went to New York for a week to celebrate her 40th birthday-it.was.AMAZING.
We had to list down everything each of us would like to do, do each of us would get a treat every few days.
Somewhere near the top of my list was the museum of modern art, or, MoMa.
If you don't know what this is, it's basically a museum full of amazing modern art and contemporary pieces, including work from amazing artists like Andy Warhol, Roy Litchenstein (if that's how you spell it...;)), and Monet.
When I was there, I took tons of pictures and I wanted to share the experience with you guys:)
Hope you like them xx

Thursday 6 September 2012

Back to School POSITIVITY!

It's that time again, the summer had ended and the grey clouds of school loom. On Tumblr and Facebook I've seen so many people with a negative reaction to going back (me included) and I just wanted to reassure some of you to hopefully make you feel more confident and inspired for going back!:)

Don't be Nervous!!!

I was SUPER nervous about going back, I was crying and getting myself so frustrated over the thoughts of going back and getting mixed in classes. I soon realised after going back to school that there's nothing to be worried about! Everyone is more or less in the same position, nervous about leaving their friends or meeting new people, you just need to talk! If you're placed next to someone you'd never dream of partnering up with, just talk to them, compliment their hair, shoes or bag, talk about the work. You can't complain about people not talking to you if you don't try to talk yourself:D


Don't give yourself a constant battle with negative thoughts-"I don't know anyone in drama I'm going to be alone and maths is really boring I don't know anyone in there either"-think positive thoughts. Try to channel out bad thoughts by reassuring yourself that everyone is friendly, lots of people are in the same position as you, you are funny and friendly, you will make lots of friends in your new classes, you will have lots of chances to meet potential best friends!!! Be yourself, be amazing!!!

I hope that this has helped you-if you take away at least one thing from this post, make it BE YOURSELF! As long as you remember this, you will go far and overcome any worries that you have. Have a great school year xx

Monday 13 August 2012

New Drawings!!!

Hi! So yesterday I thought that I'd start drawing these kind of creepy-cute characters because I wanted to experiment with a different style of drawing and now I'm hooked!!! I drew then for the whole of last night:D
Anyway, the colour ones are watercolours and comment what you think about them:)

(I was thinking about maybe selling them framed on etsy when I get good:)

Sunday 12 August 2012


HI AGAIN!!! I haven't posted in ages~sorry~but I'm having a great summer woooh!

I've decided today to show you a selection of amazing items I've found on ebay, all for really great prices!!!


As you all know, my creepers came this week (only £11.99!!!:) and they are absolutely amazing!!! You seriously wouldn't be able to tell the difference compared to the more expensive brands, and they're really high quality aswell! Although the downside is that they are a bit uncomfortable, but that's probably because I need to break them in.

There are LOADS of amazing shoes on ebay, especially Japanese style-inspired shoes (harajuku~ish)

of all styles and colours. Dead ringers for expensive brands: (my favourites are the dalmatian print, red and fuschia!)


and these shoes are great!!! I love the shape of them! the only problem will probably be wearing them with different outfits...


These floral boots are so cute and only £19.99!!!

And these patent ones in neon colours will turn heads:D


aaaaargh if I was older and I could walk in heels, I'd buy all of these!!! I particulary love the USA print ones!

hope you like them:)